Mixed Reality

The Future is Already Here

Welcome to Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality and Spatial Technology are changing the way we interface with just about everything. Interaction with software is moving from a two dimensional spectator experience to an immersive multi-dimensional participation. The transformation is so new and disruptive, many are not yet aware of the implications and opportunities.

At Janus 3 we are working hard, explaining and making the case for how Mixed Reality can transform your business, enable new levels of service capabilities, and create quantum leaps of improvement in efficiency and effective customer response.

Mixed Reality and the Modern Workplace

The workplace is changing, rapidly, whether you work in tech, manufacturing, wildlife management, energy, medical. And it's not just about remaining competitive. It is about giving workers across the world the ability to develop, manage, research and collaborate like never before. It is about bringing value and solutions to the real world, some unimaginable just a few years ago. It's about a few people doing what use to take an army. Ultimately, it is about bringing solutions to global problems, thus bringing hope, prosperity and success to billions.

Watch this video to get a sense of Microsoft's vision for the future of Mixed Reality.

Microsoft HoloLens Applications


Even before COVD-19, education had been moving towards more options and more remote accesibility. People of all ages and from all parts of the world are seeking education and training in new forms and with new potential. Mixed Reality brings all of this to life. Remote classrooms. Enhancements with holographic assets to explain complicated issues and make education stimulating and fun. Providing virtual environments so that dangerous and complicated skills can be taught in a safer way, such as police and firefighter training, or working on a wind turbine.

Education will never be the same, and Janus 3 is making the transformation happen, now.


Manufacturing stands to benefit the most from Mixed Reality. Factory floor awareness, remote assistance, dynamic technician training, artificial intelligence integrated with the real time human experience. The potential is enormous.

Imagine being able to walk around the manufacturing facility, seeing everything a typical person sees, but also seeing all the data associated with your assets and supply chain workflow, in real time. Can't visit an actual facility? Remote into video sensors mounted on a ceiling, or a robotic device, or even a fellow person at the site. Being in Denver now means you can be in Detroit, Shanghai, or Buenos Aires, in a moment's notice.

Forget everything you know about training. Need to show any process, and how to train workers for it, from a simple manufacture of a part to a catastophic evacuation drill? You can simulate the experiecne, and make it real, giving your workers the real training they need, to be effective in scenarios only imagined before.


Like manufacturing, the medical field has been an early adopter of advanced technology to improve outcomes and streamline costs. The stakes couldn't be higher. Mixed Reality supplements health care workers with contextual data, in real time, so they can see much more in any given setting, and make those vital decisions quickly, with the data points they need to see.

Also like manufacturing, the benefits of advanced training from Mixed Reality couldn't be greater. Training, on virtual bodies, in virtual settings, will give our frontline workers the experiences they need to be ready for the worst. It will also grant advancements in training for far more people, and for workers who could never had dreamed of being submerged in such environments. Its a new day for the medical field, and all who devote their lives to it.

Janus 3 is working hard so we never get hit with a pandemic like COVID-19 again. COVID-19 is one of a whole series of zoonotic diseases (diseases that spread from animals to humans), many of which are far more dangerous and deadly than COVID-19. We need to be ready, and Mixed Reality will make it possible. Advanced medical staff will have access to data and environments across the globe, in real time, any time. And they will have contextual, sensor-driven data to make quick, informed decisions on how to halt the rapid progression of a deadly outbreak.


Architects can imagine a planned space. Most of the rest of us cannot. Mixed Reality enables the rest of us to visualize the concept, in real space. It gives architects and engineers a greater ability to convey the vision, and to refine the project. It also enables the professionals themselves to design better and more effectvely, as they virtual reside inside the works of their own making.

Mixed Reality will also play a major role in the near future, as building internals become visible to anyone. The internals will be tagged with their contextual data, greatly assisting building assessment and maintenance.

Remote Presence

Janus 3 is making the daunting challenge of Remote Presence as reality. What was once only science fiction is quickly becoming real life. The ability to be in another place unlocks huge potential, as it gives professionals the benefits that come with visual presence and physical context. Keep in mind that place can include another surface location anywhere on Earth, but also any place in the atmosphere, or underwater. It will also include locations in space, such as a space station around Earth or the Moon, or even at a presence on the Moon itself. And size is overcome, as we develop the ability to have a presence inside a plant or animal's body.

Remote Presence will utterly transform every area of life, including research collaboration, manufacturing, medical, resource management, space colonization, entertainment, and our very social lives.

How Janus 3 Brings Together Your Mixed Reality Application

It's not enough to simply stream video through a Mixed Reality device. To make the experience and investment worthwhile, you need to incorporate data-and not just any data, contextual data. Contextual data is data related to what you are seeing, and what you need to know to get a full narrative of the context.

If you are looking at a particular machine on a factory floor, you want to know its health, maybe its OEE, its scheduled maintenance, its vendor and vendor contact information, and its user manual documentation. If you are viewing a patient in the ICU, again you need to know that patient's vitals, history, drug interaction, current drug intake, contact information, and so on.

The professionals at Janus 3 have the technical skills associated with software development, effective data storage and retrieval, data analysis and vizualization, and the ability to bring it all together, and make technology work for a pleasant and effective experience. This is the glue that makes the transition to Mixed Reality work for your company and your industry. See more at Comprehensive Data Solutions.

3rdi Solutions

Janus 3 Software Solutions has partnered with OneTribeCreative to create an entity devoted specifically to Mixed Reality development and business solutions. The joint venture brings together almost a century of experience, including years of graphical, technical, marketing and business skills.

Janus 3 Software Solutions has partnered with OneTribeCreative to create an enity devoted specifically to Mixed Reality development and business solutions.