When we talk about Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Teams, Dynamics, and all the other software that makes up the Microsoft Platform, we really are talking about an ecosystem. Microsoft has made it possible to run so many aspects of your business on a unified collection of advanced functionality.
Why cloud? What is all the hype around cloud solutions?
First, let's consider some statistics on cloud services, and how popular it has become by 2020:
Sources: hostingtribunal.com, techjury.com
With the Microsoft Cloud solution, you get a number of features not possible with on-premise software:
Multiple storage options with configurable access: BLOB, Table, Queue, File, Disk
A new kind of database made for the cloud. 99.99% SLA.
Azure SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB
Integrate AI and advanced data analytics into your data infrastructure
Manage security, authentication and authorization for all your Azure apps and resources
Host web and native applications in the cloud, integrate with Azure data resources
Microsoft's time-tested industry standard business application software, fully integrated with Azure.
Supercharge your Office platform with Azure data storage, AI, data visualization, and extended application development on the Power Platform
Low-code solutions for extending all of your business applications.
Powerful workflows and integration tools to get what your business needs, fast
Popular team collaboration
Extend and empower Teams with Office integration and the Power Platform